The sense of community has a whole new meaning right now. We remain steadfast in our commitment to provide the community we serve, and to keep our clients, employees and their families healthy. We continue to monitor the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation daily and will adjust appropriately.

Our office is committed to continuing to operate for clients with emergency and essential needs during this time. If you are in need of emergency or essential , please contact the office and we will make the appropriate arrangements to see you.

In addition, we will be arranging in-store and in-home consultations for our clients to help with their needs. Please contact the number listed below to make arrangements.

Kipp Skelton can be reached directly on his cell phone (925) 200-0041

It is critical we continue to support our community, so clients with emergency and essential conditions will be given priority on these consults.

Sincerely, Spencer Flooring & Paint